in mobile mount
in mobile mount
in mobile mount
in mobile
Fig. 1 size=11.0µm/9.2µm; Fig. 2 size 16.7µm; Fig. 3 size=14.0µm; Fig. 4 size=18.4µm; Fig. 5 size=13.5µm; Fig. 6 size=15.4µm; Fig. 8 size=12.2µm; Fig. 8 size=13.0µm; Fig. 9 size=15.8µm; Fig. 10 size=16.7µm
Triquetrorhabdulus rioensis Olafsson, 1989
Orthorhabdus rioi (Olafsson, 1989) Young & Bown, 2014
Elongate needle-like nannolith with pointed ends. If the specimens rotated along the short axis, it appears birefringent in a particular orientation with a tangential c-axis but non-birefringent in the other orientation with a vertical c-axis (parallel to the microscope's axis). This indicates a complex arrangement of blades?/surfaces.
Bramlette, M. N. & Wilcoxon, J. A., (1967): Middle Tertiary calcareous nannoplankton of the Cipero section, Trinidad, W.I. - Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology. 5: 93-131.
Martini, E., (1965): Mid-Tertiary calcareous nannoplankton from Pacific deep-sea cores. - Colston Papers. 17: 393-411.
Olafsson, G., (1989): Quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of upper Oligocene to middle Miocene sediment from ODP Hole 667A and middle Miocene sediment from DSDP Site 574. - Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 108: 9-22.
Young, J. R. & Bown, P. R., (2014): Some amendments to calcareous nannoplankton taxonomy. - Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 33(1): 39-46.
Triquetrorhabdulus rioensis
Olafsson, 1989
Middle Miocene
ODP Leg 108, Site 667A, Eastern Tropical Atlantic