Broinsonia parca constricta Hattner, Wind & Wise, 1980
Aspitolithus parcus constrictus (Hattner, Wind & Wise, 1980) Perch-Nielsen, 1984
Species of Pollicenotas having a diamond shape central area with a porous plate surrounded by a wide birefringent tube cycle and a narrow deemer distal shield. The fluted structures are distinct on the tube cycle in LM. The number of pores per quadrant is usually one to two. The width of the central area is less than that of pelaga.
Hattner, J.G., Wind, F.H. & Wise, S.W., (1980): The Santonian-Campanian boundary: comparison of nearshore-offshore calcareous nannofossil assemblages. - Cahiers de Micropaleontologie, 3: 9-26.
Perch-Nielsen, K., (1984): Validation of new combinations. - Newsletter of the International NannoplanktonAssociation, 6(1): 42-46.
Broinsonia parca constricta
Hattner et al., 1980
Middle Campanian
Clubhouse Crossroads Core 1, South Carolini, USA