Fig. 1 Antalya Basin, Early Pliocene, diameter: 10.6µm
Fig. 2 Jason Bay, The South China Sea, Extant, diameter: 9.49µm
Discoaster perplexus Bramlette & Riedel, 1954
Bramlette, M. N. & Riedel, W. R. 1954. Stratigraphic value of discoasters and some other microfossils related to Recent coccolithophores. Journal of Paleontology. 28: 385-403.
Bukry, D., 1973g. Phytoplankton stratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 20, Western Pacific Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 20, 307-317.
Discoaster perplexus
Bramlette & Riedel, 1954
Late Oligocene
Cipero Section, Trinidad