Ilselithina fusa Roth, 1970
The single-cycle shield is made up of about 16 segments which are non-birefringent on a plan view in polarised light. The inner ends of every other segment produce tulip-like about 8 distal processes. Distal processes are distended at the base and birefringent in plan view in polarised light. The entire coccolith is birefringent on a side view.
Ilselithina fusa is distinguished from Ilselithina iris Stradner in Stradner and Adamiker (1966) by lacking slits between the shield segments.
Roth, P. H., (1970): Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy. - Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 63: 799-881.
Stradner, H. & Adamiker, D., (1966): Nannofossilien aus Bohrkernen und ihre elektronenmikroskopische Bearbeitung. - Erdoel-Erdgas Zeitschrift. 82: 330-341.
Ilselithina fusa
Roth, 1970
The Lone Star Cement Company Quarry, St. Stephens, Alabama, U.S.A