Set number: 1108

  • Cribrocentrum foveolatum 1
  • R. alabamensis 2
  • R. insignita 3
Cribrocentrum foveolatum

Cribrocentrum foveolatum (Fig 1) together with its synonyms/variations Cribrocentrum alabamensis (Fig 2) and Cribrocentrum insignita (Fig 3)

Final Epithet
Cribrocentrum foveolatum (Reinhardt, 1966a) Perch-Nielsen, 1971c

Coccolithus foveolatus Reinhardt, 1966a


Reticulofenestra insignita Roth & Hay in Hay et al., 1967 [3.7µm; Oligocene, a ring of elongate pores]

Reticulofenestra alabamensis Roth, 1970 [3.2µm; Oligocene, a ring of elongate pores]

Dimensions Of Holotype

Length: 3.0µm


Small (<5.0µm) species of Cribrocentrum having a central area with a single cycle of large elongate pores & a perforated central field.


Hay, W. W., Mohler, H. P., Roth, P. H., Schmidt, R. R. & Boudreaux, J. E. 1967. Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of the Cenozoic of the Gulf Coast and Caribbean-Antillean area, and transoceanic correlation. - Transactions of the Gulf-Coast Association of Geological Societies 17: 428-480.

Perch-Nielsen, K. 1971c. Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an Coccolithen und verwandten Formen aus dem Eozan von Danemark. Biologiske Skrifter, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 18(3): 1-76.

Reinhardt, P., 1966a. Fossile Vertreter coronoider und styloider Coccolithen (Family Coccolithaceae Poche 1913). Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 8, 513-524.

Roth, P. H. 1970. Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 63: 799-881.