Reticulofenestra gartneri Roth & Hay in Hay et al., 1967
Medium size [5.0-10.0µm] elliptical species of Cribrocentrum Perch-Nielsen 1971c having a wide central area (its width is greater than the width of the pelaga) spanned by a finely porous permanent mesh which is birefringent and placed proximally.
Cribrocentrum gartneri differs from similar size Reiculofenestra Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966 species by having permanent central mesh birefringent in polarised light. It is distinguished from Cribrocentrum antillarum (Black, 1967) Varol, n. comb. by having porous central mesh whilst later having non-porous mesh.
Black, M. 1967. New names for some coccolith taxa. - Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1640: 139-145.
Boesiger, T. M., de Kaenel, E., Bergen, J. A., Browning, E. & Blair, S. A. 2017. Oligocene to Pleistocene taxonomy and stratigraphy of the genus Helicosphaera and other placolith taxa in the circum North Atlantic Basin. - Journal of Nannoplankton Research 37(2-3): 145-175.
Hay, W. W., Mohler, H. P., Roth, P. H., Schmidt, R. R. & Boudreaux, J. E. 1967. Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of the Cenozoic of the Gulf Coast and Caribbean-Antillean area, and transoceanic correlation. - Transactions of the Gulf-Coast Association of Geological Societies 17: 428-480.
Hay, W. W., Mohler, H. P. & Wade, M. E. 1966. Calcareous nannofossils from Nal'chik (northwest Caucasus). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 59: 379-399.
Perch-Nielsen, K., 1971c. Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an Coccolithen und verwandten Formen aus dem Eozan von Danemark. Biologiske Skrifter, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 18(3), 1-76.
Reiculofenestra gartneri
Roth & Hay in Hay et al., 1967
JOIDES, Hole 5, Blake Plateau, Atlantic Ocean