Cyclicargolithus bukryi Wise, 1973
Reticulofenestra westerholdii Bown & Dunkley Jones, 2012
The calculated size of the holotype is 6.8µm.
Medium size [5.0-8.0µm], circular species of Reticulofenestra having a featureless central area and a narrow and indistinct tube cycle. We notice two variations of this species based on the ratio of the central area to the pelaga; narrow central area (<width of pelaga) and wide central area (>width of the pelaga).
Reticulofenestra bukryi differs from Reticulofenestra rupeliensis Müller (1970) by being smaller than 8.0µm.
Reticulofenestra bukryi is erroneously used for the form ranges in size between 3.0µm and 5.0µm (Kaenel & Bergen, in Boesiger et al., 2017).
Jones, A. P. & Dunkley Jones, T., (2020): Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene calcareous nannofossils from the Nanggulan Formation, Java, Indonesia. - Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 30(1): 57-79.
Müller, C., (1970): Nannoplankton-Zonen der Unteren-Meeresmolasse Bayerns. - Geologica Bavarica. 63: 107-118.
Wise, S. W., (1973): Calcareous nannofossils from cores recovered during Leg 18, Deep Sea Drilling Project: biostratigraphy and observations on diagenesis. - Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 18: 569-615.
Reticulofenestra bukryi
Wise, 1973
DSDP Leg 18, Site 178, Alaskan Abyssal Plain, northeast Pacific Ocean