Set number: 1062

  • Retulofenestra dictyoda 30455 1
  • Retulofenestra dictyoda 30456 2
  • Retulofenestra dictyoda 30459 3
  • Retulofenestra dictyoda 30458 4
Reticulofenestra simillimus, Middle Miocene, IODP Expedition 354, Hole U1451B, Bengal Fan, Indian Ocean

Set number: 1052

  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1237 13 1
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1473 2 2
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1220 19 3
Reticulofenestra simillimus

Fig 1. Malta, Middle Miocene, Coccosphere 6.7µm, Coccolith 2.8µm; Fig Fig 2. Antalya Basin, Early Pliocene, Coccosphere 6.8µm, Coccolith 3.7µm; Fig 3. Adana Basin Turkey, Late Miocene, Coccosphere 4.7µm, Coccolith 2.3µm

Set number: 1048

  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1263 6 1
  • Reticulofenestra similimus 938 2 2
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1466 26 3
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 1466 27 4
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 947 1 5
  • Reticulofenestra simillimus 930 2 6
Reticulofenestra simillimus

Fig 1. Silifke, Middle Miocene, Turkey 4µm; Fig 2. Malta, Middle Miocene, 1.8µm; Fig 3. Antalya Basin, Early Pliocene, 3.8µm; Fig 4. Antalya Basin, Early Pliocene 2.1µm; Fig 5. Malta, Middle Miocene 2.6µm; Fig 6. Malta, Middle Miocene 2.0µm

Final Epithet
Reticulofenestra simillimus (Deflandre & Fert, 1954) Varol, n. comb.

Discolithus simillimus Deflandre & Fert, 1954


Diameter of the central area > width of pelaga

Discolithus alimaniensis Deflandre & Fert, 1954 [Holotype: 2.6µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Cyathosphaera martinii Hay & Towe, 1962 [Holotype: 2.2µm; Type level: Early Eocene]

Coccolithus joensuui Roth & Hay in Hay et al., 1967 [Holotype: 2.8µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Reticulofenestra pectinata Roth, 1970 [Holotype: 3.5µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Reticulofenestra inclinata Roth, 1970 [Holotype: 3.8µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Reticulofenestra gabrielae Roth, 1970 [Holotype: 1.8µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Crenalithus parvulus Okada & McIntyre 1977 [Holotype: 3.0-3.8µm ; Type level: Extant]

Crenalithus punctatus Okada & McIntyre, 1977 [Holotype: 2.0-3.0µm; Type level: Recent]


Diameter of the central area < width of pelaga

Coccolithus doronicoides Black and Barnes, 1961 [Holotype: 3.4µm; Type level: Tertiary]

Reticulofenestra minuta Roth, 1970 [Holotype: 1.5µm; Type level: Oligocene]

Reticulofenestra nanna Gheta, 1982 [Holotype: 3-4µm; Type level: Late Eocene]

Cyathosphaera lacrima Hay & Towe, 1962 [Holotype: 2.2µm; Type level: Early Eocene]

Reticulofenestra perforata Martini, 1988 [Holotype: 2.5-3.5µm; Type level: Miocene]

Reticulofenestra moguntina Martini, 1988 [Holotype: 2.3-3.8µm; Type level: Miocene]


Small (<4.0µm) species of Reticulofenestra.


Black, M. & Barnes, B., (1961): Coccoliths and discoasters from the floor of the South Atlantic Ocean. - Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. 80: 137-147.

Deflandre, G., & Fert, C., (1954): Observations sur les coccolithophoridés actuels et fossiles en microscopie ordinaire et électronique. - Annales de Paléontologie. 40: 115-176.

Gheta, N., (1982): The Eocene of NW Transylvania. A new biochronostratigraphic zonation based on calcareous nannoplankton. - Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor Institutul de Geologie si Geofizica. 69: 95-106.

Hay, W. W., Mohler, H. P., Roth, P. H., Schmidt, R. R., & Boudreaux, J. E., (1967): Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of the Cenozoic of the Gulf Coast and Caribbean-Antillean area, and transoceanic correlation. - Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. 17: 428-480.

Hay, W. W., & Towe, K. M., (1962): Electron microscope examination of some coccoliths from Donzacq (France). - Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 55: 497-517.

Martini, E., (1988): Nannoplankton-Massenvorkommen in den Corbicula-(=Schichten mit Hydrobia inflata) und Hydrobienschichten des Oberrheingrabens, des Mainzer und des Hanauer Beckens (Miozän). - Geologisches Jahrbuch. A110: 205-227.

Okada, H., & McIntyre, A., (1977): Modern coccolithophores of the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. - Micropaleontology. 23(1): 1-55.

Roth, P. H., (1970): Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy. - Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae. 63: 799-881.