Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette & Riedel, 1954
Emended description: Hexagonal symmetrical discoaster has a wide, flat central area without ornamentation. The short and robust arms terminate in bifurcations. The inter-arm area is rounded.
Discoaster deflandrei differs from Discoaster emblematicus by lacking sutural ridges on the distal side. The bifurcation in Discoaster deflandrei is rounded, whereas it is wrench-like in Discoaster emblematicus. Discoaster deflandrei is distinguished from Discoaster hughesii by lacking proximal bulging with ridges and sutural ridges on the distal side.
Bramlette, M. N., Riedel, W. R., 1954. Stratigraphic value of discoasters and some other microfossils related to Recent coccolithophores. Journal of Paleontology. 28, 385-403.
Discoaster deflandrei
Bramlette & Riedel, 1954
Early Oligocene
Cipero Section, Trinidad