Discoaster shumenkoi Bowman & Varol, 2024
1963 Discoaster kugleri Martini & Bramlette (pro parte), pl. 102, fig. 13; non-pl. 102, figs. 11-12
Hexagonal, asymmetrical discoasters have a large featureless central area and gently tapering arms with distal ridges that terminate in notches. The diameter of the central area is always greater than the length of the arms.
Maximum diameter: 11.19 µm, Diameter of the central area: 6.01 µm, Length of the arms: 2.59 µm (measurements from bright field micrograph).
Discoaster shumenkoi differs from Discoaster kugleri and Discoaster fawzyi by being asymmetrical. Discoast-er shumenkoi is further distinguished from Discoaster fawzyi by lacking flaps at the end of the arms.
Martini, E., Bramlette, M. N., 1963. Calcareous nannoplankton from the experimental Mohole drilling. Journal of Paleontology. 37(4), 845-855.
Varol, O. & Bowman, A. R. 2024. The New Middle Miocene Genus Olladiscoaster, and Related and Associated Discoasters. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 28, 103 pp.