Zygodiscus biperforatus Gartner, 1968
Reinhardtites biperforatus (Gartner, 1968) Shafik, 1979
Zeugrhabdotus biperforatus (Gartner, 1968) Burnett, 1997
Species of Salomonia having a small central opening spanned by a double bridge which is birefringent under the light microscope.
Burnett, J. A., (1997): New species and new combinations of Cretaceous nannofossils and a note on the origin of Petrarhabdus (Deflandre) Wise & Wind. - Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 19(2): 133-146.
Gartner, S., (1968): Coccoliths and related calcareous nannofossils from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Texas and Arkansas. - The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Article 48 (Protista 1): 1-56.
Shafik, S., (1979): Validation of Chiastozygus fessus and Reinhardtites biperforatus. - INA Newsletter. 1(2): C5-5.
Zygodiscus biperforatus
Gartner, 1968
Taylor Marl, Texas, USA