Type Genus

Parhabdolithus Deflandre in Grassé 1952


Loxolith has a double cycle of protolith wall [outer wall is non-birefringent whereas the inner wall is birefringent] and a central area spanned by various structures (bar, crossbar and covered by several irregular segments), often supporting the long distal process.


Bown, P. R., (1987): The structural development of Early Mesozoic coccoliths and its evolutionary and taxonomic significance. - Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 39: 33-49.

Deflandre, G., (1952): Classe des Coccolithophoridés. (Coccolithophoridae. Lohmann, 1902). In, Grassé, P. P. (ed.) Traité de Zoologie. Masson, Paris 439-470.