Set number: 501

  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02405 1
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02408 2
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02410 3
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02413 4
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02406 5
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02407 6
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02411 7
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02412 8
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02415 9
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02416 10
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02414 11
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02417 12
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02418 13
  • Nannoturba robusta VR 02419 14
Nannoturba robusta, Middle Eocene, DSDP Leg 39, Sites 356, Sào Paulo Plateau, South Atlantic Ocean
Final Epithet
Nannoturba robusta Muller, 1979

Nannoturba robusta Müller, 1979


Invalid according to ICN Art. 35.1


Müller, C., 1979. Calcareous nannofossils from the North Atlantic (Leg 48). Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 48, 589-639