Coccolithus tenuis Kamptner 1937b
Discoaster murrayi Black & Barnes, 1961
Ellipsodiscoaster lidzii Boudreaux & Hay, 1969
Black, M. & Barnes, B. 1961. Coccoliths and discoasters from the floor of the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 80: 137-147.
Boudreaux, J. E. & Hay, W. W. 1969. Calcareous nannoplankton and biostratigraphy of the late Pliocene-Pleistocene-Recent sediments in the Submarex cores. Revista Española de Micropaleontología 1(3): 249-292.
Kamptner, E., 1937b. Neue und bemerkenswerte Coccolithineen aus dem Mittelmeer. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 89, 279-316.
Markali, J., Paasche, E., 1955. On two species of Umbellosphaera, a new marine coccolithophorid genus. Nytt Magasin for Botanikk 4, 95-100.
Coccolithus tenuis
Kamptner, 1937b
Mediterranean Sea, Stations 14, 15 (14: 38° 20' N, 25° 11' E, half-way between the Psani and Andros Islands