Scampanella cornuta Forchheimer & Stradner, 1973
Large cone shape nannolith having a narrow wall with proximal tier, collar, single distal tier and a cone. Elongated longitudinal elements make the wall, and protruding ledges mark the junction of different levels. The cone may have apical spines. Scampanella is distinguished from Lapideacassis by having only a single distal tier. Species of Scampanella is distinguished based on the number of spine present. The adverse preservational conditions strongly influence the presence or absence of the spine and their number; therefore, using a number of spines is not ideal for taxonomic classification.
Forchheimer, S., Stradner, H., 1973. Scampanella, a new genus of Cretaceous nannofossils. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien) 2, 286-289.
Wise, S. W., Wind, F. H., 1977. Mesozoic and Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils recovered by DSDP Leg 36 drilling on the Falkland Plateau, south-west Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 36, 269-491