Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette and Wilcoxon, 1967
Acanthoica cucullata diademata Gaardet, 1955
Helicolith has a symmetrical blanket confined to the central area (not extending the periphery (Type I, Helicosphaeroides ampliaperta type), gradual wing termination and a central area with a large central opening.
Helicosphaeroides ampliaperta differs from Helicosphaeroides scissura by having a wide elliptical central opening instead of a narrow elongated opening
Bramlette, M. N., Wilcoxon, J. A., 1967. Middle Tertiary calcareous nannoplankton of the Cipero section, Trinidad, W.I. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 5, 93-131.
Gardet, M., 1955. Contribution à l'étude des coccolithes des terrains néogènes de l'Algérie. Publications du Service de la Carte Géologique de l'Algérie (Nouvelle Série) 5, 477-550.
Helicosphaera ampliaperta
Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 1967
Early Miocene
Cipero Section, Trinidad